▌ 大学英语 College English 优质课程
B2U06 Quiz
发布人:管理员 时间:2018-10-5 已被浏览 15

Unit 6 Quiz
I. Directions:
Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word from the box.

The Chinese way of eating is characterized by the ideas and beliefs about food, which actively affect the ways in which food is prepared and taken. The overriding (最重要的) idea 1)_____food in China is that the kind and the amount of food one takes is 2)_____ to one's health. Food not only affects health as a(n) 3) ______of general principle, the selection of the right food at any particular time must also be 4) ______upon one's health condition at that time. Food, therefore, is also medicine. The regulation of diet as a disease prevention or cure is certainly the same case as in the West 5) _______it is in China. Common Western examples are the diet for arthritis (关节炎) and the recent organic food craze (绿色食品热) . But the Chinese case is 6) ________because of its underlying principles. The bodily functions, in the Chinese view, 7)______ the basic yin-yang principles. Many foods are also classifiable into those that possess the yin quality and 8) ________the yang quality. When yin and yang forces in the body are not balanced, problems 9) ______. Proper amounts of food of one kind or the other may then be administered (i.e. eaten) to counterbalance the yin and yang disequilibrium (不均衡). If the body is normal, overeating of one kind of food would result in a(n) 10) ______of that force in the body, causing diseases.
II. Directions:
Complete the following article with words from the groups listed below.
Some nutrition writers suggest that 1) __________ nature man is a hunter who, since the dawn of our species, has lived on a diet 2) __________ in animal proteins and fats. These writers, mostly North American or European and affluent, cite 3) __________ of primitive hunting spears, arrows, animal bones, and other artifacts 4) __________ around remnants of fire pits in archaeological sites 5) __________ all continents. They use historical records of the past to 6) __________ their personal preference for diets high in meats.
Equally vociferous (叫嚣的, 喧嚷的), and giving a similarly impressive 7) __________ of evidence, are writers who claim that man was always a 8) __________ of seeds, grains, roots, nuts, berries, and herbs. Seeds and 9) __________ for crushing and preparing seeds have also been found in archaeological digs. Three-10) __________ of the world's present population lives on a diet based on vegetables and grains, including rice, millet (黍米), corn and beans, buckwheat (荞麦), wheat, rye (黑麦), oats (燕麦), barley (大麦), spelt (斯佩尔特小麦, 二粒小麦), triticale (黑小麦), sorghum (高粱), quinoa (昆诺阿藜), and amaranth (苋属植物). These people 11) __________ few animal products. Eggs, meat, blood, or milk products are special treats for festive or religious 12) __________.
It is not clear why these two sets of writers insist man should have been rigidly one 13) __________ the other. Survival is a practical matter, and it makes 14) __________ that during millions of years of history, climatic changes, and migrations, our ancestors ate whatever they found in their environment and climate. In a state of affluence, we can 15) __________ to speculate. In a state of hunger, we eat what we can find and catch.
1. A. in B. by C. from D. on
2. A. full B. plentiful C. high D. nutritious
3. A. evidence B. example C. proof D. witness
4. A. sought B. buried C. dug D. found
5. A. on B. beyond C. at D. from
6. A. affirm B. infirm C. confirm D. conform
7. A. group B. set C. line D. way
8. A. picker B. taker C. harvester D. gatherer
9. A. implements B. equipment C. machines D. furniture
10. A. quarter B. forth C. quarters D. fourth
11. A. resume B. assume C. presume D. consume
12. A. occasions B. times C. events D. situations
13. A. and B. rather C. than D. or
14. A. reason B. sense C. sensation D. logic
15. A. afford B. pay C. prepare D. relax
III.  Directions:
Choose an appropriate word or phrase to complete each of the following sentences. Change the form if necessary.
1. persist insist
If he _______in asking silly questions, then send him to the boss.
Susan________on telling me how the movie ended.
2. effective efficient
  A. Ann is an_______and conscientious worker.
  B. The lighting for the production made a very _____use of shadow.
3. photography photograph
I placed my vacation_______in a large album.
The film won an award for______.
4. variation variety
The electronics department had a wide______of radios.
Unemployment rates among white-collar workers show much less regional_________than those among blue-collar workers.
5. omit neglect
I would be very cross if I were ________from the list of contributors to the report.
The irresponsible parents __________their children.
6. appeal attract
The sculpture___________pedestrians, and a crowd formed around it.
I've never been skiing—it doesn't really _______to me.
7. forbid ban
He's obviously quite embarrassed about it because he_________me to tell anyone.
The college__________alcohol from parties on campus.
8. recipe receipt
Make sure you are given a _______ for everything you buy.
I used half the amount of salt that was listed in the___________.
IV.Directions: Listen to the following passage and fill in the blanks.
Almost every language in the world has a saying that “a person can never be too rich”. Americans like people in other countries always want more money. One way they express this is by 1)             that their jobs do not pay enough. A common expression is "I am working for chicken feed." It means working for very little money. The expression probably began because seeds fed to chickens made people think of small change. Small change means 2)            of not much value, like nickels which are worth five cents. An early use of the word "chicken feed" appeared in an American 3)               in 1930. It told about a rich man and his son. Word expert M M says it read "I'll bet neither the kid nor his father ever saw a nickel or dime. They would not have been interested in such chicken feed."  
Chicken feed also has another interesting meaning known to history experts and World War II spies and 4)          . Spy expert Henry S A Becket writes that some German spies working in London during the War also worked for the British. The British government had to make the Germans believe their spies were working. So British officials gave them mostly 5)            information, it was called "chicken feed".
The same person who protests that he is working for chicken feed may also say "I am working for 6)           ." She means she is working for a small an amount of money. It is a very different meaning from the main one in a dictionary. That meaning is small nuts that grow on a plant. No one knows for sure how a word for something to eat also came to mean something very small. But a peanut is a very small food. The expression is an old one. Word expert M M says that as early as 1854, an American publication used the words "peanut agitators". That meant political 7)          who did not have a lot of support.
Another reason for the saying about working for peanuts maybe link to 8)          . Think of how elephants are paid for their work in a circus. They receive food not money. One of the foods they like best is peanuts. When you add the word gallery to the word peanut, you have the name of an area in an American theater. A gallery is a high seating area or balcony above the main floor. The peanut gallery got its name because it is the part of the theater most 9)         from where the show takes place. So "peanut gallery tickets" usually 10)           less than other tickets. People pay a small amount of money for them.
1.     about     2. relevant  3. relevant  4. dependent 5. as
6. distinctive  7. follow   8. those     9. result   10. excess
1.     persisted,insisted  2. efficient, effective  3. photographs, photography     
4. variety, variation   5. omitted, neglected  6. attracted, appeal
7. forbade, banned  8. receipt, recipe  
1.     protesting   2. metal coins   3. publication   4. soldiers  5. false
6. peanuts   7. troublemakers   8. elephant    9. distant    10. cost
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